uPVC Windows Fleet

Improve your Fleet home with our range of uPVC windows. We install a range of window styles across Fleet & Hampshire. Request your uPVC windows quote today.

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Request your uPVC windows quote today.


uPVC Windows to Match Your Style

As an installer, we pride ourselves on offering the best uPVC Windows that match the styles and tastes of the Fleet homeowner. Each of our windows is manufactured to the highest standard and can be customised to suit every type of property. Whether you live in a modern or traditional home, contemporary or heritage, you’ll find the perfect fitting uPVC window. Our designs can be customised in a range of colours and styles to suit your home perfectly.

By choosing County Windows for your uPVC windows, you can expect the highest quality as standard. We are a DGCOS recognised company and pride ourselves on offering the best service and products. Our team has years of experience within the home improvements industry and will offer impartial and friendly advice to find the best fit for your home. 

Our Range of uPVC Windows

The uPVC Casement Window is one of the most popular uPVC Windows across Fleet and Hampshire. This window is the perfect replacement for old timber models and perfectly complements every type of property. Manufactured with a six-chamber system, this window can achieve an energy rating of A+ and can be improved further with optional triple glazing. The use of multi-point locking across the frame will help to protect your home from modern burglary methods. 

Our uPVC Tilt & Turn Windows offer excellent ventilation for your Fleet property without putting the general security of your home at risk. These uPVC windows are fitted with multi-point locking as standard, ensuring your home is as safe as possible. Able to turn inwards or outwards, it makes them very easy to maintain. As they tilt inwards, it makes this window perfect for homes with hard-to-reach areas or in apartment blocks. 

Our bow and bay window designs offer the perfect fit for any Fleet home, providing an eye-catching addition to any property. The bow window is built with an arched design, with the panels fitting together in curved panels. These uPVC windows are perfect for capturing a more traditional feel.

Bay windows provide a more contemporary feel to the Fleet homeowner. These uPVC windows feature a rectangular shape, with the panels sitting together with right angles on each end. This design provides more space that you can utilise within your property. 

One of two sash window designs, our uPVC Flush Sash Window will add character to your Fleet home. Whether you live in a traditional or new build, these uPVC windows offer the perfect fit. These windows are the first to be manufactured with a 70mm uPVC outer frame profile. Although they look classical, the modern uPVC profile offers a range of benefits to the homeowner. 

The uPVC Sliding Sash Window is the second of our sash uPVC windows. The Fleet homeowner will benefit from increased security and extra soundproofing. The steel reinforcement and multi-point locking system integrated into the frame remove any potential weak spots that can be exploited. 

Benefits of uPVC Windows

The security standards we set at County Windows are very high. We install durable hardware and added hinge protection during the manufacturing of our uPVC Windows. Fleet homeowners should have complete peace of mind that their home is protected from modern burglary techniques. By having our uPVC Windows installed you will benefit from slim sightlines that allow for larger panes of glass. This means you can enjoy more natural sunlight within your home but can relax knowing your home’s security isn’t compromised.

Every uPVC Window that we install come double glazed as standard, with the option to upgrade to triple glazing. Our multi-chambered profile enables us to achieve an A+ rated standard of heat retention, keeping your Fleet property at a comfortable temperature for longer. It is because of this that you’ll get to enjoy lower energy bills at the same time as reducing your carbon footprint.

Our uPVC Windows are manufactured using the highest-quality materials which need very little maintenance to keep their good-as-new look. All our uPVC products will require is an occasional wipe with a damp cloth, freeing up your time for things you enjoy.

At County Windows we want all of our customers to have the best home improvement experience possible. That’s why when you buy one of our uPVC Windows you can tailor this product to align with your taste and style. Our Fleet customers have complete control over decorative features, sizes, colours and hardware modifications when it comes to us installing new uPVC Windows.

Quality Guaranteed

As with all our double glazing products, we offer a comprehensive insurance-backed guarantee on all our uPVC windows. Should in the unlikely event anything happen to your window within that time, our team will endeavour to fix it.

The quality uPVC window profile we use has been designed to not offer any high maintenance issues. Even after constant exposure to the elements, the frame will not warp, bow, rot, twist, flake or discolour. The only maintenance you’ll need to carry out is to give the window an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth.

uPVC Window Prices Fleet

If you’ve seen one of our uPVC windows that you’d like for your Fleet home, reach out to our team today. You can call us on 01962 840 780 or fill out our online contact form.

For those who already know which of our uPVC Windows they need to improve their Fleet home, why not start your quote. Our team will then be in touch to book a home visit before we can give you a bespoke quote of how much our services will cost you, and there is no obligation to book.

Or why not arrange a visit to one of our showrooms. Our nearest to Fleet is located in Winchester on Easton Lane, Winchester, Hampshire.



County Windows - Quality windows, doors, conservatories and much more!

We have showrooms across the south including Winchester and West Parley, with teams based throughout Hampshire and Dorset.
