uPVC Windows Southampton

Our team has been expertly installing quality high-quality uPVC Windows in Southampton & Hampshire for more than 30 years. Contact us today to discuss how our team can improve your Southampton home. 

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uPVC Excellence for Your Southampton Home

We’ve been providing our Southampton customers with excellent uPVC Windows for more than three decades. With uPVC one of our specialities, we aim to deliver the optimum product to meet your requirements at a competitive price. We use only the latest technology to provide both security and energy efficiency for your Southampton home. 

If you’re looking for a quality installation from a DGCOS recognised company, then we are always happy to help. Our staff have a range of home improvements experience, offering impartial and friendly advice on our products to suit your needs.


Our uPVC Window Range

At County, our range of uPVC Windows will help you meet your home improvement project needs. Each product comes in a selection of styles, colours and designs.

Our range of uPVC windows includes

Our uPVC Casement Window profile provides even great energy efficiency for your Southampton home. The unique six chamber system we use can achieve an A+ rating, even higher than certain glass combinations. The frames are completely lead-free, contributing to a lower demand on energy supplies.

The uPVC Tilt & Turn Window provides your Southampton home additional ventilation without compromising its security and is suitable for modern and traditional buildings alike.

Our uPVC Bow and Bay Windows comprise a contemporary but conservative trim that preserves period charm with an attractive yet subtle modern twist. These windows will look stunning in your Southampton home, whether it is modern, traditional, period, heritage or new build.

The uPVC Flush Sash Window gives your Southampton home the traditional timber appearance, with the sashes sitting flush in the frame, but provide the benefits of modern technology. They are the first flush sash product to be manufactured with a 70mm uPVC outer frame profile, and benefits include low maintenance, extra security, comfort and weather resistance. 

The uPVC Sliding Sash Window combines the period charm of original sash windows with the modern benefits of up-to-date materials, engineering and manufacturing methods. As well as providing better soundproofing, these windows are highly secure thanks to the steel reinforcement and multi-point locking systems.

The uPVC Slimline Window uses a 6 chamber SlimSash profile which has a larger glass area, allowing more daylight to flood into your home, yet still achieving outstanding energy efficiency and security.

Each of our windows are available in customisable colours and styles, improving your home’s thermal efficiency, security and look.


Benefits of uPVC Windows

All our double glazed uPVC Windows feature a multi-chambered profile, enabling them to achieve an A+ rated standard of heat retention. This means that our windows will work to keep your Southampton home at a comfortable temperature during the winter months, trapping in the central heating to help your property stay warmer for longer. 

Security standards are very high at County. We include durable hardware and secure security along with hinge protection to all our uPVC windows. Slim sightlines on some windows allow for a larger visible area of your chosen glass, giving your Southampton home more light and enhancing your view of the outside world. By having our uPVC windows installed, you won’t be compromising your property’s security. 

Our range of uPVC products are designed so that the Southampton homeowner doesn’t have to spend all of their time cleaning or maintaining them. Our uPVC products are made of the highest-quality of material, so all they will require is the occasional wipe with a damp cloth. This means you can spend your time doing things you enjoy. 

By buying one of our uPVC windows, you’ll be able to make your Southampton house a home, thanks to the wide range of customisation features. Our customers are given the choice of decorative features, sizes, colours and hardware features to reflect their tastes. 

uPVC Window Prices Southampton

If you’ve seen a uPVC Window you feel will enhance your Southampton home or you would like to discuss a double glazing product, then get in contact today. Our team can be contacted on 01962 840 780 and are ready to take your call. You can also fill out our contact form and one of our members will be back in touch.

For those who already know what uPVC Window they need to improve their Southampton home, why not start your quote. Our team will then be in touch to book a home visit before we can give you a bespoke quote of how much our services will cost you, and there is no obligation to book.

We also have a showroom if you would prefer to see our products face-to-face, which is located on Easton Lane, Winchester, Hampshire.



County Windows - Quality windows, doors, conservatories and much more!

We have showrooms across the south including Winchester and West Parley, with teams based throughout Hampshire and Dorset.
