Aluminium Windows Poole

For more than 30-years, homeowners across Poole and Dorset have been upgrading their homes with our aluminium windows. If you’d like to bring your home into the 21st-century, contact our team today to discuss our aluminium windows. 

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Offering 21st-Century Benefits

For Poole homeowners looking to replace their existing windows, our aluminium windows are the perfect option. We use a modern aluminium profile, which unlike older designs, offers high-levels of security, heat retention capabilities, weatherproofing and more. We use the REAL Aluminium range, with the slim frames providing the perfect fit for every type of Dorset home. The slim frames incorporate large glazing panels, flooding your property with natural light.

If you want high quality aluminium windows, then County Windows is for you. As a DGCOS recognised company, you’ll be certain to receive an excellent installation. Our team has years of experience in the home improvements industry, providing impartial and friendly advice to give you the best product that suits your needs. 

Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium used to have a reputation for conducting heat and not being very thermally efficient. Our modern aluminium windows are manufactured with a quality profile that bypasses these issues. A polyamide thermal break is incorporated within the design, preventing cold transfer and heat loss, as well as a warm-edge space bar between the panes as standard. This means you’ll benefit from heightened levels of heat retention within your Poole property without the general look of the window being compromised.

Each of our aluminium windows is manufactured to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations ‘Document L’, with a choice of A, B and C Window Energy Ratings. As your home retains its heat year-round, you’ll rely less on your central heating to warm your space. This will lead to lower energy bills and help reduce the carbon footprint of your Dorset home. 

It’s important to know that when you choose County Windows, you get the best for your home. Our aluminium windows hold several accreditations, holding Kitemarks for both weatherproofing and security. It is also made to Secured by Design standards, meaning this window will help to secure your home.

Unlike uPVC, our aluminium windows don’t require any extra reinforcement, offering inherent durability and strength. This makes it hard for would-be intruders to break into your Poole home. With multi-point locking fitted, you’ll enjoy a high level of security across the whole of the frame. 

On some older window designs, the quality deteriorates after constant exposure to the weather. This can leave to your Poole home being at risk of cold draughts and damp build up. With our aluminium windows, this won’t be an issue.

Fitted with high quality weatherseals, cold draughts in your home will be problems of the past. This means your home can retain its comfortable temperature year-round, even when the weather outside is at its worst. The professional installation of the glazing alongside the gaskets will also remove the risk of condensation. This means you won’t have to worry about wiping mould off windows, or having to fund the damage damp can cause. 

Our aluminium windows will prove to be a worthwhile investment for the Poole homeowner. Each window we offer is accompanied by a comprehensive insurance-backed guarantee of 10-years. Should in the unlikely event anything happen to the window in that time, our team will endeavour to fix it.

By using a quality aluminium profile, these windows will continue to retain their quality in the changeable elements. Our aluminium windows will not warp, bow, rot, twist, crack, flake or discolour. The colour itself is imbued within the profile, removing the need for repainting. Our aluminium windows only require an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth to maintain the good-as-new look. 

Our aluminium windows are designed to fit a wide range of Poole homes. Available in a range of colours with different accessories, you can tailor your window right down to the individual details. We offer several different styles, making it easy to get the perfect fitting window for your property.

The dual colour design we offer on our aluminium windows allows for differentiation on the interior and exterior. The Poole homeowner can also choose from a range of glass options, letting them increase the privacy or add some decoration to their property. Whichever customisable feature you choose, you can get a truly bespoke look for your Dorset home. 

Aluminium Window Prices Poole

If you’d like to discuss one of our aluminium windows for your Poole home, or you would like to discuss a double glazing product, then get in contact today. Our team can be contacted on 01202 283 610 or fill out our contact form.

For those who already know what colour aluminium window they want, start your quote. Our team will then be in touch to book a home visit before we can give you a bespoke quote of how much our services will cost you, and there is no obligation to book. 

Or why not visit our showroom. Our nearest to Poole is in West Parley and located at 171 New Road, West Parley, Dorset, BH22 8ED.



County Windows - Quality windows, doors, conservatories and much more!

We have showrooms across the south including Winchester and West Parley, with teams based throughout Hampshire and Dorset.
